What is RCIA?
RCIA ( The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the ordinary way in which adults who were not raised in the Catholic faith become fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. The process is exciting, fulfilling, inspiring, and enriching. We know you will enjoy the experience!
Who is RCIA for?
~Someone who was baptized Catholic, but then never received any other sacraments;
~Someone who was baptized into a different faith or Church;
~Someone who was never baptized at all and is just beginning their life of faith;
~Simply, former Catholics who want to come home to their faith once again!
RCIA sessions begin on September 16, 2013 at 7pm at the home of Bob & Leila Rivers. Please contact Deacon Jim or Mary Newhouse for any question- 630-886-9426. A small fee will be requested for a text we will use as a resource in our discussions.
Prayerfully consider giving us a call. Nothing to lose, and everything to gain!